The 8 points are:
- To remain forever in the Union
- To accept the Three National Causes i.e. Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of National Sovereignty and Perpetuation of National Sovereignty
- To cooperate in economic and development tasks legally
- To cooperate in the elimination of narcotic drugs
- To set up political parties and enter elections
- To accept the (2008) constitution and to make necessary amendments in the parliament by majority consent
- To fully enter the legal fold for permanent peace and live, move, work and consume in accord with the constitution
- To coordinate existence of only a single armed forces in accord with the constitution
The meeting also resolved to lend the much needed support to the 7 point peace plan adopted by the Working Group for Ethnic Coordination (WGEC) made up of armed movements from the 7 non-Burman states:
- Talks outside each side’s “sphere of influence”
- An international body of observers
- A preliminary dialogue between the government and all armed movements, both ceasefire and non-ceasefire
- A convention among ethnic movements, both armed and non-armed
- A broad-based national convention made up delegates from the ethnic forces, democratic forces and the government
- Decisions reached at the said national convention to be implemented by all concerned
- Completion of the process “before the general elections in 2015”
No further details are available.
On 12 June, the Shan CBOs had also made a 4 point call to all stakeholders in the peace process:
- Structural political reform, principally, the amendment of the 2008 constitution
- Withdrawal of Burmese troops from conflict areas
- Strict neutrality by foreign governments and donor organizations
- Suspension of large-scale resource extraction projects until “after there is a genuine political settlement of the conflict, and proper safeguard policies for local communities are in place”