People from all walk of life numbering more than ten thousand participated in the protest
The protest was organised by Ashin Wirathu of Mandalay Masoyin monastery after getting the legal permission. "We have to organised this kind of public protest as no political parties come forward in support of president Thein Sein's decision on Rakhine issue", Ashin Wirathu told to the medias.
Even though the official permit only allow one hundred people in the protest, it is reported that about one thousand monks were initially gathered from the start of the protest, quickly increasing the number of protesters to more than ten thousand as they march peacefully along the roads.
Protests condemns the biased reporting of UN special official Tomas Quintana on Rakhine state issue
A protester, Ko Maung Lwin said that it is not a protest against any religion. "We are here to show our support for our president's decision on illegal migrants in Rakhine state. And yes, we also condemn Tomas Quintana's biased report about Rakhine communal conflict and his demand for amendment of citizenship law to accept illegally migrated people from the neighbouring Bangladesh.", he continued.
"There are no countries in this world that will change their own country's immigration law to suit the demands of illegal immigrants. Why we have to go through a serious of legal processes to get entry into the United States, Canada, Australia or any other already developed Western countries? Because, they afraid that we will overstay in their countries and rob the jobs of their citizens. We've already allowed them to live in our land for years and now we can't accept them anymore as they are killing us and trying to occupy our land with the help of external religious extremist groups. So, our president U Thein Sein's decision is fair and clear. ", Daw Kay Thee Kyaw Myint, another protester and a Mandalay resident told her view to RMG.
People from different religious backgrounds including Buddhist, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism except Bengali Muslims participated in the peaceful public procession
U Thein Sein received an overwhelmed support by the Myanmar nationals, including a small number of Bengali Muslims who want to live peacefully in Myanmar, for his decision on illegal Bengali Muslims or (so-called) Rohingya because they believe that this is the best solution to solve the problem. But, some Islamic nations including OIC have been trying to put pressure on Thein Sein government for providing citizenships to illegal Bangladeshi migrants.
The government official first granted permission for 4 public protests to be held in 4 different townships in Mandalay division. But, it is reported that the official no longer permit another 3 protests as the number of protesters in yesterday's protest exceeds the maximum allowed number of 100.