Military backed Myanmar president Thein Sein
"He was studying in the University of Computer Studies, Yangon when the Junta arrested him with the fake charges of conspiracy against the junta and treason. We nicknamed him "Ko Yin Lay" meaning "young monk" because he is very simple, quiet, and respectful to everyone, and never had any problems with anybody. He is the only child of his parent. His parent has been eagerly waiting for his release since the present government started amnesty for the political prisoners jailed during the previous SPDC rule." an Arakanese girl who is a close relative as well as a neighbour of Ye Htat Soe said. "I heard that he is currently teaching computer to his fellow jail mates inside the prison.", she added.
Ye Htat Soe who was illegally arrested and jailed with fake charges by the SPDC government
On 16 August, Thein Sein government released 10 terrorist suspects including Saw Myint (a) Mamud, Zaw Myint and Than Naing (a) Adu High of UNHCR from Buthidaung prison and Win Naing and Kyaw Hla Aung of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) from Sittwe prison. Another UNHCR staff and Bengali Muslim riot leaders namely Daw Cho Lay Mar, Khin maung Shwe and Maung Khin Zaw who were sentenced to 2 to 6 years jail terms were released on 28 August, 2012 with the presidential order.
Hundreds of local Arakanese and other ethnic people including Bama, Thak (Chakma), Daingnak, Hindu (Indian) were killed and thousands were left homeless and starved due to the Bengali Muslim terrorist attacks in Maungdaw occurred on June 8, 2012.
It is also learnt that almost all Bengali Muslims who organized the riot and took part in the leading roles during the riot were released with a presidential amnesty after Thein Sein government received a large financial assistance from the OIC as well as from the Saudi Arabia government.
Political leaders as well as Arakanese people around the world are criticizing Thein Sein government's unfair practices over Arakanese as more than one thousand local Arakanese ethnics are still detained in various prisons across the Rakhine state for disobeying the state of emergency law.